Cradle My Heart Radio aired on FaithTalk 1360 in Phoenix 2022-23, podcasts on Spotify and iTunes.
Faith Radio archives of Cradle My Heart Radio from 2013-2018
Meeting Real Needs
Heartfelt authenticity and vulnerability creates a warm connection, as we join you in the conversations of our lives with challenging truths about our roles as mothers, grandmothers, and friends in faith. We’ll also welcome pastors, elders and ministry leaders to talk about abortion recovery in the church.
In our programs, listeners receive:
• Spiritual truths to encourage them to stand for life and heal abortion’s grief
• Relatable and relevant principles to understand the life issue in practical terms
• Equipping to engage and change the culture for life.

wife, mother, sister, and friend in faith.
Award-Winning Host – My faith and life experience unveil the spiritual impact of abortion on the women and men who choose it—as well as the hope available to make a better choice. My story and voice have been featured on many national radio and television outlets, I was inducted into the Minnesota Broadcasting Hall of Fame in 2013 for my work while known as Kim Jeffries (KS95, WCCO Radio and TV, and KTIS).
My book Cradle My Heart, Finding God’s Love After Abortion won First Place at the 2010 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, is an Amazon #1 bestseller, and was a Finalist for the Evangelical Christian Press Association’s Book of the Year in 2013, and features a Foreword by Ruth Graham. I believe these awards reflect how redemption in our Lord Jesus Christ resonates in readers’ hearts–using our worst, even fatal mistakes for his greatest glory.
I have taught workshops on pro-life apologetics in pregnancy centers and Christian colleges and high schools in partnership with Scott Klusendorf’s Life Training Institute. I’m a Cast Member of Life is Best, a 13-part series featuring leading voices on the life issue today. LifeSiteNews featured my story here. I am a trained Chaplain and avid pro-life advocate. For more on my background and bio, visit
Fun fact: my profile pic is by David Carr of Third Day.
Cradle My Heart Radio podcast on demand on Spotify and iTunes.
Please get in touch! Your feedback, comments and questions help us serve you better.
Email kim @ (remove spaces)